Today is Hallowmas, or All Saints' Day, the day after All Hallow's Eve, or Halloween, and a day we remember the exemplar's of faith, the Saints of the Communion of Heaven and Earth, we pray together with them, Holy, Holy, Holy!
But also there is a decided chill in the air and the leaves have mostly fallen from the Autumn trees, the forbidding election details are yet to be worked out and the bullies of the Trump campaign in Texas have attempted to drive off the road a Biden Harris Campaign bus to the praise of the sitting President, during a rally. This is a new low from our elected officials during a campaign and hateful rhetoric from the Trump family. And the dangers of this election season cannot be overstated.
Not being one in rush to be a martyr, I have suspended my volunteerism with union and political campaigns heading into this contentious season of some or the worst demons of our political nature. I live in a conservative area rife with gun-totting unstable people and hate preachers like Rev. Sean Moon. Frankly, I wouldn't choose this area to move to at this point and their has been an exodus of people of good will. But I lived in this area before Rev. Moon and his brother who owns a gun manufacturing plant and factory store. They certainly have a economic interest in second amendment issues, and have recklessly planned events close to schools during times when our nation was dealing with gun violence. Rather uncouth of a clergy and a manufacturing business man who flagrantly show such disregard for school safety and normal conduct.
I am not looking forward to the unrest to follow the election especially if the vote is contested either way. But this time around it is most important that the vote be accurate and not influenced by foreign powers and hate groups. Already that has failed on many fronts, and for our country I weep that we are in such a fragile place due to current President, who is literally out of his depth in dealing with crisis and constitution issues. What years a go seemed a joke, a Trump presidency, is now our nightmare from which only the better nature of ourselves, the Saintly nature of our communion can guide us.
