Turkey a la King
Three Large Bowls of Cooked White Turkey Meat
Large Can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup
Two Packages Sliced Fresh White Mushrooms or 3 Small Cans of Mushrooms
One Chopped Bunch of Celery
Minced Garlic to Taste
One Packet of Dried French Onion Soup Mix
Tablespoon of Bell's Seasoning or Poultry Seasoning
Water to fill the Crock Pot.
Dice, Chop, and Slice fresh ingredients.
Mix all ingredients into the Crock Pot. Turn on high, until it bowls, then set to simmer until celery is soft and ingredients are stirred and cream of mushroom soup is thick. Use milk in place of water if you want thicker cream of mushroom sauce. Place on keep warm to serve out of bowl. Freeze remaining soup in the freezer and reheat when needed.
