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  • Writer's pictureRandy P. Orso

Why I pray for President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump to recover:

COVID-19 is a pandemic, and it affects many people and anyone who is sick has my prayerful concern. I am not voting for Trump-Pence and have not in the past. However, I wish everyone the best of health, it isn't a wish I meter out to my friends and family only, it isn't for my party, or religion, it is for humanity's sake that I wish people of goodwill well.

Some makes jokes about seriously ill people. That isn't for me. Some say sickness is karma or God's judgment, and I don't claim to know that and I'll leave that for others to speculate. I do know that Trump is not only our President but an elder in the community. He and his wife deserve respect, even if they have at times challenged the civil societies notion of politeness. Not because we should venerate them, but because what our respect for people who are ill says about our own humanity. Because the sick are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and because the well-being of one human is good for all humanity. Because in a Pandemic we are all in this together. Wear a mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing, stay home, stay safe, be smart, and show compassion. Kindness and concern are human values.

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