Formerly the Universal Life Church Monastery LGBTI Clergy Association

We are all of the same universe!
INTERFAITH Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Clergy Association at Greentown AbbeY

Join us on Social Media!
​We are reaching out to activist against the Ugandan "Kill the Gays" Bill and are supporting the LGBTI community around the globe, locally and internationally, which letters of support, petition drives, editorials and mentorship for any member interested in receiving peer to peer input on a collegial basis.
Website Launch– On Going
Watch this space for updates to our works and how you can be involved.

Grant Writing and Funding Study
We help NGOs in many places find grants and research funding options and build financial infrastructure by using crowd sourcing, loans when applicable, grants and donations which are given to those NGOs either directly or in collaboration with coalitions of the concerned.
Content Development
We provide relevant articles, opinion pieces, editorials, press releases and more gathered from online free links to share with your organization on their social media platform. We do this for targeted causes we feel are urgent and need our support to affect positive change.
Letter Writing
​We provide a letter writing and e-petition drive for matters which have come to a head which requires immediate intervention of crisis, government or policy making bodies to affect progressive change for the betterment of the community.
Faith & Works in Action
Much of our work is done via conference call, online, blog, social media, twitter and letter writing/e-petitioning. We are a modern church and our works are aided by modern tools.
Worship at Various Sites from Seattle, Washington to Kampala, Uganda Pastors who are members leading their independent congregations.
A typical Monday might consist of contacting elected officials about a social justice matter, updating activist networks with editorials and data on suggested social justice matters.
We dedicate Wednesday to pastoral mentoring, Biblical study and prayerful reflection on the week's work.
Back to the activism of the day, for a final push to influence and have impact on the situations of the most vulnerable in society.
Supporting St. Paul's Voice Centre of Uganda
We support the work of independent and self-directed work of St. Paul's Voice Centre of Uganda and their dedication to human rights work in Uganda.
Social Networking!
We use the Universal Life Church Portal and Facebook Groups to interact with our members. We have ordained two ministers in other traditions as a sign of our support for their ministry. We are concerned with keeping in contact with the needs and talents of our members to maximize their input into progressive change movements.