Formerly the Universal Life Church Monastery LGBTI Clergy Association

We are all of the same universe!
INTERFAITH Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Clergy Association at Greentown AbbeY

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Randy's Coca-Cola Kitchen

Randy's Coca-Cola Kitchen is Randy's interior decorated kitchen at his apartment at Barker Street. It is bright and cheerful. My best friend and the best person I have ever known helped me decorate it and it means a lot to me.
Randy would host potlucks here for the Regional Folklore Society, for which he was an outreach volunteer. He hosted a royal wedding party watching party for Prince Willliam and Kate, the Duke, and Duchess of Cambridge of the UK, and the Lords and Ladies of Barker Street and it was a good time had by all.
In recent days, Rev. Orso has been recovering at his parents' house, AKA Greentown Abbey. But when his CPAP for his sleep apnea is regulated he plans to return to Barker Street and his beloved Coca-Cola Kitchen.
In late Summer, Rev. Orso plans to be in Hawley, PA at his apartment to focus on writing and exercise walking around town. The same close friend who helped him decorate, also helped him learn to walk again following a 2010 car crash and will always be missed. Having lost his dear friend recently, Rev. Orso is devastated and finds meaning in trying to be as a good a person as his friend was.