Formerly the Universal Life Church Monastery LGBTI Clergy Association

We are all of the same universe!
INTERFAITH Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Clergy Association at Greentown AbbeY

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Continuing Education

Rev. Orso attended MIT's
"Race in Digital Space" Conference.
​Race in Digital Space: A National Conference on Race and New Media Technologies
April 27-29, 2001
Rev. Orso has completed studying an online class, a MOOC, with Prof. Dr. Jacob L. Wright of Emory University and Coursera, with a certificate of accomplishment with distinction, on "The BIble's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future". https://www.coursera.org/learn/bible-history

Recently Rev. Orso completed a verfied certificate from Coursera and Emory University in "From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives in Civil Rights and Non-Violence" instructed by Prof. Dr. Bernard LaFayette, Jr. a noted Civil Rights Leader, most well known for organizing the Nashville Lunch Counter Sit-Ins. https://www.coursera.org/learn/nonviolence
"The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future"
with Prof. Dr. Jacob L. Wright of Emory University
"From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives in Civil Rights and Non-Violence" with Dr. Bernard LaFayette, Jr.
of Emory University
"Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah"
with Prof. Dr. Steven Fine of Yeshiva University
Rev. Orso recently completed a MOOC with Prof. Dr. Steven Fine of Coursera and Yeshiva University on the "Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah " with a 100% grade and a verified certificate. https://www.coursera.org/learn/archoftitus

"Scandinavian Film and TV' from University of Copenhagen
"Scandinavian Film and TV" from the University of Copenhagen, gave Rev. Orso insight into Scandinavian special social concerns of those living in socialist comprehensive welfare states in the media. https://www.coursera.org/learn/scandinavian-movies-tv

"Jewish Diaspora in Modern China" with Prof. Xin Xu of Nanjing University
Rev. Orso has completed the "Jewish Diaspora in Modern China" MOOC with Prof. Xin Xu of Nanjing University and Coursera. This study has helped him advocate for religious tolerance in Kaifeng, China with Senator Patrick Toomey's office. https://www.coursera.org/learn/jews-in-china

Rev. Orso at
California Institute of the Arts (CalArts)
Rev. Orso recently took a Poetry Workshop with Poetry Prof. Douglas Kearney of CalArts and Coursera, a MOOC. He has begun another CalArts program a specialization in Graphic Design.
Poetry Workshop
Graphic Design Specialization

Rev. Orso at Wesleyan University
Marriage and the Movies with Prof. Jeannine Basinger
Based on her book: https://www.amazon.com/Do-Dont-History-Marriage-Movies-ebook/dp/B00957T5DC/ref=sr_1_sc_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1480301005&sr=8-3-spell&keywords=Jeannine+Basinger
Memory and the Movies with Prof. John Seamon
Yale University
"A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650)"
Rev. Orso is currently taking this MOOC from Yale.
Webinars and Conference Calls
In order to better be an ally to the transgender community, he has taken a webinar with Alex McNeill of More Light Presbyterians, called "Trans 101" with keen attention paid to countering the transphobic rhetoric of the so-called "bathroom bills".
This political season Rev. Orso has worked helping people register to vote and sharing the message of faith leaders involved in Faith in Public Life's message opposing reckless rhetoric and advocating for compassion for refugees.
Rev. Orso has attended online webinars with Faith In Public Life and uses these to inform his moral opposition to the reckless rhetoric of the far right and has long been interested in the plight of refugees. and encourages others to do the same.
Rev. Orso listened to Rev. Dr. William Barber, II of Repairers of the Breach and the NAACP following the presidential elections. Rev. Orso is always sharing with his social networks these opportunities such that members of this association can benefit from group wisdom and fellowship.

"Teach-Outs" at the
University of Michigan/ Coursera
"Teach-Outs" at the University of Michigan/ Coursera are short intense learning experiences with experts on key issues of the day. I have taken ones on the "Solving the Opioid Crisis", "Gerrymandering/Redistricting", and "Crisis at the Border: Immigration". They are available from the University of Michigan and Coursera at http://ai.umich.edu/teach-out/ .